We got on the plane, and this time, I was ecstatic to find out that I was given a window seat! It was sad that it was pretty dark out, but I was able to see a lot with the lights on the ground thankfully, as well as get a lot of sleep, due to me being able to use the window for head support.
I woke up mid-flight as we were travelling over a small village. I regret not waking up Trevor and Amanda (two fellow pilgrims), who I didn't really know all that well at the time, to grab my camera and get a picture. It was amazing how clearly you could see the outline of the village just by seeing the lights. Then, as the flight continued, I started seeing fewer and fewer lights...
And that's when it really hit me...that's when I realized where I was. I was in a completely different country, completely different culture, completely different environment, thousands of miles away from home (much to the dismay of my mother and grandmother). But most importantly, I was about to embark on a pilgrimage, not just some vacation, not just a trip...I was going to the place where Christ walked.
I snapped this picture of Zachary, my brother (on the right with the blue covering), at his Christmas program this past December. Four shepherds walking up towards the birthplace of Christ...four kids with completely different reactions. One serious, one excited, one terrified, and then there's Zachary...looking like he knows what he's doing. I can't say that I didn't felt the same way while on the plane...like I was ready for this journey.
I was on my way to walk in the same places where I literally believe Yahweh walked in the flesh.
I'm not sure why we so easily glance over that statement. We hear "in the flesh" so often, but have we ever taken a second to realize what that means?
Personally, I think I used to view Jesus as someone like George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, or Christopher Columbus...I wholeheartedly believed that these people were alive in the flesh. I had no doubts within me that Lincoln never existed or anything like that, and I fully agreed that by calling my home state the Land of Lincoln, that we actually rest assured in the fact that he did live there for a while.
But Jesus is a bit different...
Because Jesus is God, Jesus is Yahweh, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Almighty. Yeshua. The Indescribable Creator.
The Redeemer. The Savior.
My Redeemer. My Savior.
Can you honestly fathom living in the apostles' shoes? I'm not so sure that I can. I mean, this is huge. This is God.
If you look at that picture of Zachary closely, you can see a little bit of fear in his eyes...appearing to have it all together, appearing to fit the part, but deep down, I know his heart's beating fast, his mind is jumping from thought to thought, he's full of anxiety and excitement and fear all at the same time.
And as we landed in Tel Aviv, Israel, as I sat on the plane waiting to get off, I realized that deep down I was the same way....just like my little brother.